Privacy Policy

Introduction Section:

The privacy of our service- and website users are of the utmost importance to us at Elevated Hiring. Here we will outline how we collect, manage, maintain, store, share, and use any data while using our website (, in any form of communication with us, or when requesting- or ordering any of our services. It also contains information on your rights and how to exercise those rights, as well as what you consent to by default and where to turn for questions and- or requests.


"We," "us," "our," and "ours" refer to Elevated Hiring.

“Client”, “Potential Client”, “Clientele” refers to Clientele seeking Candidates (Independent Contractors).

“Candidate”, “Candidates' ' refers to Independent Contractors seeking Clientele.

Why choose Elevated Hiring?

Elevated Hiring offers a compelling solution to two prevalent global challenges. Firstly, we tackle labor shortages stemming from a scarcity of particular roles within job markets. Secondly, we address the issue of certain roles being prohibitively expensive for companies to hire or retain. These challenges are especially pronounced in many Western countries' local job markets, presenting a unique and complex landscape that we aim to navigate adeptly. By leveraging our expertise and resources, we strive to untangle these knots, providing efficient and cost-effective solutions for both clients and candidates alike.

By utilizing Elevated Hiring's recruitment services, you not only open doors for yourself and others but also enjoy significant cost savings of up to 80% compared to local alternatives. Moreover, you can circumvent expensive structural, tax, and social fees. Entrusting us to find the most suitable Independent Contractor (Candidate) for you alleviates the burdensome and time-consuming headaches, as well as unnecessary financial costs, allowing you to focus on more critical matters. We manage the entire process from start to finish, leaving you with just the decision-making.

Elevated Hiring operates as the trading name of ABC Global Limited, a Hong Kong-registered company (company number 2935256) with its registered office at RM 7B, One Capital Place, 18 Luard Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. ABC Global Limited has already processed thousands of Independent Contractors all over the globe and generated millions in revenue in less than four (4) years in operation. 

Now we seek to exclusively handle recruitment as in honest short - we excel at.

Your Personal Information

To provide our services to the best of our abilities, we will (1) collect and store the communication history between you and us to ensure we can follow discussions, requests, and orders. We also two (2) collect and store what is called your Personal Information which varies depending if you are a Client or a Candidate.

As a Client, we will collect and store personal information such as your name (authorized signatory), company name, trade name (DBA), address, email, and telephone number. Additional details may be requested if you seek to purchase our services, including business nature, vacancy information, location details, billing information, and other relevant information to facilitate finding the right Potential Candidate for you. Depending on your Geo-location, we may request an ID of the authorized signatory to comply with applicable laws. All data will be stored with Elevated Hiring to facilitate our services and can be requested for removal under The Data Protection Act 1998 or equivalent legislation in the country of operation. However, removing such information may impact our ability to provide services and could lead to termination. 

For further information, please contact us.

As a Candidate, we will collect and store personal information such as your name, address, email, telephone number, curriculum vitae (CV), vacancy preferences, potential references, and any other pertinent details to ensure you meet the qualifications for potential clients. Additionally, we may conduct video calls to verify legitimacy, and recordings may be retained for the safety of both parties. If you do not consent to these requirements, it must be communicated and acknowledged by Elevated Hiring. However, failure to consent may prevent us from processing your application. All data will be stored with Elevated Hiring to facilitate our services and can be requested for removal under The Data Protection Act 1998 or equivalent legislation in the country of operation. However, the removal of such information may impact our ability to provide services and could result in termination. 

For further details, please contact us.

By engaging with us, you may automatically receive our newsletter containing potential offers, which you can unsubscribe from at any time using the link provided in the email. All information collected is aimed at enhancing our services and outcomes for both parties, as well as for safekeeping to improve future services. We will never share or sell your personal information for any purpose not outlined here. However, we may verify your information with relevant third parties to prevent potential illegal activities. Any breach of terms may result in providing such information to law enforcement authorities.

More information can be found in “Terms and Conditions”.

If you are a collaborative partner, affiliate, or entity outside of Potential Candidates or Clientele, we will only collect and store information necessary to fulfill obligations outlined in a specific written agreement, or automatically gather information as described below for general usage.

Automatically Collected Information

We may collect and store information called “Cookies” which you can read more about here -

This includes but is not limited to, your IP address, browser information, location- and language information, operating system information, referral link information, potential login information, and potentially what is outlined more via the link above. This information is solely collected for the purpose of (1) giving you a smoother experience, (2) providing us with relevant business data to provide better and more personalized offers, (3) understanding who visits us and why, (4) increase security for us and our visitors, and to (5) increase troubleshooting where need be. You can see it as our automatic service enhancer.

Elevated Hiring may use other services- or technologies to track, collect, and understand information passing us through to improve its services and features even further. By visiting our website, being in communication with us, or requesting- or ordering our services, you automatically consent to the collecting, reading, and storing of such data outlined here. However, you are free to at any stage request what data- or information is collected and why, and for the removal of such data at any stage. Keep in mind that removal of such data may interfere with out services and we may not be able to proceed with your purchase- or usage of our service, or it may interfere with current contracts between you and us, and in turn lead to a halt- or termination of our services with you.

Our email service providers may collect the same information- or similar information as above if applicable or entered, and may also collect information such as A/B-testing, Open- and Conversion rates, or other relevant information to provide a better marketing experience. However, you can unsubscribe at any given moment by clicking “Unsubscribe” in the received email. All collected data- and information is subject to removal request via The Data Protection Act 1998 or equivalent legislation in the country of operation, which Elevated Hiring will honor if requested. 

Third-Party Collected Data

If Elevated Hiring for any reason receives your personal information from a third party it will be collected and stored with utmost scrutiny and security. If you have purchased similar services from another provider as Elevated Hiring offers we may receive such information and use it to offer our own services. 

We may receive personal information from social media, marketing agencies- or suppliers, analytic providers, or otherwise who are legally allowed to disclose certain information. This information could include your personal information such as name, company, company address, email, telephone number, and information such as analytics- or preferences, or country of operation- and company services (business nature). 

Any and all information is only used to provide better services in line with your personal- or company interests. It will never be used to offer unrelated services or in any way to spam or provide a bad experience in any regard, or in any shape, way, or form break the law.

If you think you may be subject to collected data- or information you can email us and request for us to check, and if we indeed do have it stored you can request for removal at any stage.

Where Your Information is Used

(1) To provide our services finding, screening, and connecting Candidates and Clients.

(2) To service providers, staff, potential partners, affiliates, tools, or otherwise we use- or collaborate with to ensure our security compliance, marketing strategies, website usage, technology- and feature operations, contract authorization, and otherwise to provide any and all services. Personal information such as names, company names, addresses, telephone numbers, or other sensitive data is only for authorization between Candidate, Client, and Elevated Hiring, and is not shared or sold for unrelated or unsecure usage. While we may for example use analytic- or preference data to provide a smoother experience or better marketing results, we will never disclose sensitive data for any reason without the owner's written consent.

(3) To comply with all legal- and government entities and potentially to aid law enforcement via court order if applicable. This is to protect us, you, and other users and to honor everyone’s legal rights in case of an illegal or otherwise sensitive situation.

(4) To authorize a purchase with a potential buyer of our services if such buyer is authorized to use- or is the owner of such information. Additionally if an authorized user- or owner of such information consents to use and disclose it for any reason agreed upon.

Personal Information - Legal Clause

Any and all personal information, or sensitive information, which describes who you are and- or represent is only used to (1) write, acknowledge, and consent to an agreement with you, or (2) to follow any and all legal obligations.

If you during any stage feel unwilling to consent to certain collecting or storing of personal information it needs to be known and acknowledged by Elevated Hiring. If a Client, Candidate, or otherwise relevant party fails to confirm its wishes or consent to Elevated Hiring, we, for any reason or claim, cannot be held liable for such noncompliance or rejection. Elevated Hiring needs to be given the option to remove, rectify, amend or otherwise if consent is not given in writing to contact email below, or all legal claims by any party would be void.

To provide our services we will need to collect and store personal information, (1) not just from a service standpoint, but (2) comply with regulatory- and legal entities ensuring you are who you say you are, are allowed to authorize signatures for yourself- or a company, and is of legal age.

We also need to collect information to either provide a Potential Candidate with Client demands or to ensure the Client vacancy fits the Candidate's preferences.

If Elevated Hiring hires you as an Independent Contractor within its own company, a separate agreement will be provided which needs to be read and signed. It may contain specific Terms and Conditions depending on the role to fill.

Headhunting- or Recruitment Steps:

To be able to provide our services as a Headhunting (Recruitment) Company, there are situations where your personal data is vital to in part store and in part to proceed, these will include:

  • Ensure that contractual agreements- and demands are in compliance between us, Client, Candidate, Affiliates, Partners, Suppliers, or otherwise, under all and any legal recruitment.

  • Ensure that data exists and is recorded to provide evidence in case of any legal claims to defend and- or exercise legal rights.

  • To protect the name of Elevated Hiring, its intellectual- or physical property, its assets- tools- and features, its staff- shareholders- affiliates- or partners, or any and all elements of Elevated Hiring.

  • To maintain and manage a backup system in case of any security breach or system failure.

  • To provide quality assurance and confirm compliance with any and all relevant terms.

  • To provide legal, structural, environmental, service, technical, marketing, or employment insight to deliver a much smoother and more secure experience.

  • To provide better and more personally accurate offers and to minimize proposals- or propositions unwanted. 

  • To follow marketing trends and adjust accordingly to provide faster and more accurate results with less cost.

  • To source the good results from the bad and present a more streamlined and appreciated service.

In short, collecting and storing your personal information is simply to guarantee as far as we at Elevated Hiring can deliver our great services to the best of our abilities. Not to in any way, shape, or form misuse it for any unrelated matter, illegal- or immoral act, or to cause disturbance- or harm.

Time-frame of Storing Data

Elevated Hiring does not automatically delete- or remove any data- or information, personal or otherwise if not requested. It will be stored indefinitely until either (1) a request for removal is filed, (2) a legal matter requires us to remove and- or hand over such data, or (3) Elevated Hiring is no longer in operation. We believe that compliance does not have a set time-stamp and each case is different, therefore we store data until otherwise requested- demanded, or until we are no longer active.

Marketing Emails

We make use of marketing emails at Elevated Hiring which may contain personalized offers for you. These are automatically subscribed to when you provide us with your email but can be unsubscribed at any given moment. We may make use of affiliates- or partners to provide more relevant offers to you via email as well, which the former can be unsubscribed to as well. This can include but is not limited to, vacancies to be filled or promotions.

Personal Data Safety

It's important to know that since the internet is a global market, your information may pass through several countries and- or jurisdictions which is unavoidable as soon as you use any website or service provider online. Just know that Elevated Hiring complies with all regulatory laws and guarantees that we always do our utmost to secure any and all data- or information collected. However, no one can guarantee or promise that transferring or storing data is 100% secure.

However, this means that we employ the latest technological- and service features, as well as security measures to ensure the best protection possible against any type of breach, and- or tampering with your personal data. We have been in the online business for a long time and know what to look for to avoid potential disasters.

Your Legal Age

To use our website or services you must be 18 years of age or corresponding legal age in your country where you are considered an adult. We cannot know or confirm the age of any visitor, but if it comes to our attention during contact, we will remove anyone who is not considered an adult by legal standards.

Your Legal Rights

Keep in mind that all collection and storage of your personal data or information, whether done automatically, in writing or verbally, is legally considered to be under your ownership and control.

This means that you can at any time request, update, or remove any or all parts we have stored. You are also in your full right to object to any collecting, storing, processing, or transferring of your data. You can also withdraw an earlier consent, which Elevated Hiring will honor.

Keep in mind that doing any of the former may interfere with our services and we may need to temporarily in part- or in full stop our services with,  or for you. If you have e.g. requested the removal of “cookies' ', you cannot visit our website again as that would re-activate the collection of certain data. Therefore we recommend you to disengage from Elevated Hiring entirely after a request of removal has been made and acknowledged.

Keep in mind that a request of removal or otherwise regarding your personal data does not free you from any legal terms- or contracts with Elevated Hiring.

Any request regarding your personal data needs me be made here: MAIL

Policy Update

Elevated Hiring can at any time make changes to these terms to adhere to any business-related needs or legal requirements. If such happens, Elevated Hiring will do its best to notify relevant parties of the changes made.


You can read more about cookies here -

Cookies are small text files that websites send to your web browser and are stored on your device (computer, smartphone, or tablet). They contain information about your interactions with the website, such as login credentials, preferences, browsing history, and settings. Cookies are used to personalize your experience on websites, remember your preferences, and track your behavior for various purposes, including analytics, advertising, and improving website functionality. There are two main types of cookies: session cookies, which expire when you close your browser, and persistent cookies, which remain on your device for a longer period of time. 

There are several types of cookies, each serving different purposes. Here are the main differences between them:

  1. Session Cookies:

    • Session cookies are temporary cookies that are erased from your device when you close your web browser.

    • They are used to track your activities during a single browsing session and are essential for certain website functionalities, such as maintaining your login state or remembering items in your shopping cart.

    • Session cookies do not collect information from your computer and are typically considered less invasive to privacy.

  2. Persistent Cookies:

    • Persistent cookies remain on your device even after you close your browser.

    • They have an expiration date set by the website and can remain valid for days, months, or even years.

    • Persistent cookies are used to remember your preferences and settings for future visits to the same website.

    • While they can enhance user experience by providing personalized content, they also raise privacy concerns as they can track your activities over time.

  3. First-Party Cookies:

    • First-party cookies are set by the website you are currently visiting, and their primary purpose is to enhance user experience on that particular site.

    • They can remember your login status, language preferences, and other settings specific to the website.

    • First-party cookies are generally considered less intrusive to privacy since they are directly related to the website you are interacting with.

  4. Third-Party Cookies:

    • Third-party cookies are set by domains other than the one you are currently visiting. These cookies are often used for advertising and tracking purposes.

    • They are commonly employed by advertisers and analytics companies to collect data about your browsing behavior across multiple websites.

    • Third-party cookies can be used to create user profiles, deliver targeted ads, and measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

    • They are more controversial in terms of privacy, as they allow third-party entities to gather extensive information about your online activities.

In summary, the main differences between different types of cookies lie in their lifespan (session vs. persistent) and their origin (first-party vs. third-party). Each type serves specific functions and presents varying degrees of privacy implications.


Elevated Hiring operates as the trading name of ABC Global Limited, a Hong Kong-registered company (company number 2935256) with its registered office at RM 7B, One Capital Place, 18 Luard Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.

For concerns, please email us at [email protected]

We reserve the right to amend this policy at any time.